
Recapping the W3C Blockchain Standardization Workshop @ MIT

I had the opportunity to both co-chair and present at the W3C’s blockchain workshop at MIT in Boston this week. More than 100 of the best and brightest from the standards and blockchain worlds met to discuss potential Web standards opportunities for blockchain tech.

I have been working toward the establishment of a large-scale, user-sovereign, blockchain identity system for many years, and with an initiative now underway at Microsoft, this event was instrumental in better understanding the views of other organizations we intend to work with in bringing this system to users, companies, and governments across the globe.


There were many areas of standardization discussed that touched on blockchain-based identity systems, but perhaps the most specific, actionable area of standardization the group identified was extension of the existing Web Auth spec to include the APIs, features, and flows necessary to enable blockchain-based identity authentication in browsers. This is something I will begin to explore with other implementers and interested organizations from the W3C workshop who committed to do so with us.

The workshop was a great opportunity to start an important discussion about systems that could move the Web far beyond what it is today. I look forward to reporting back on the progress of our explorations as we move forward!

Cross-Browser, Event-based, Element Resize Detection

UPDATE: This post has seen a significant change from the first version of the code. It now relies on a much simpler method: a hidden object element that relays its resize event to your listeners.

DOM Elements! Y U No Resize Event?

During your coding adventures, you may have run into occasions where you wanted to know when an element in your document changed dimensions – basically the window resize event, but on regular elements. Element size changes can occur for many reasons: modifications to CSS width, height, padding, as a response to changes to a parent element’s size, and many more. Before today, you probably thought this was mere unicorn lore, an impossible feat – well buckle up folks, we’re about to throw down the gauntlet.

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The Oft-Overlooked Overflow and Underflow Events

A Primer on Overflow and Underflow

To level-set, I’ll define and describe what overflow and underflow are in the context of the web. Overflow is a rather simple concept you’re probably familiar with: when an element’s content takes up more space than it allows, given style or box model constraints, it causes a scrollbar to appear or the content to be cut off from view (if you set overflow: hidden;). Underflow is the less common case you probably don’t think about: an element currently in an overflown state leaves that state as a result of the element growing in size or a reduction of the amount of content within it – visually, the scrollbars disappear and all content is visible within the element. As it turns out, Firefox and WebKit browsers offer events that alert you of changes between these two flow states.

What if I told you

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MVCR – Minimum Viable CSS Ribbon

I thought I’d jot down a snippet of CSS I came up with recently that I use to generate UI ribbons. The code uses :before/:after pseudo elements, which means it works in IE8+ and all the other not-shitty browsers. To ensure the content of the ribbon can be modified dynamically using JavaScript, I’ve set the pseudo element’s content property with the value attr(ribbon). The attr() content function grabs the parent element’s ribbon HTML attribute string (example: ribbon="SomeText") and uses it for the ribbon’s content. I’m pretty sure this is one of, if not the, shortest bit of code required to create CSS ribbons, but perhaps you all can improve upon it:

.ribbon:before {
	display: block;
	content: attr(ribbon);
	background: #eee;
.ribbon:after {
	display: block;
	content: " ";
	border-left: 5px dotted transparent;
	border-top: 5px solid #ccc;
	height: 0;
	width: 0;

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